Janet's thread

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Willa Cather – Author, Poet April 29, 2016

Filed under: Authors,Book Recommendations,Books,Willa Cather — Janet @ 3:01 am

willa cather Willa Cather, 1873-1947

I am currently reading a book of selected letters by this author.  It is a very  thick and fascinating book.  I am enjoying it immensely.   She is of my maternal grandparents generation.  I wonder if they read her books as they were published.  I wonder if my parents did.  I read a few of them years ago and now I want to reread some of them.  If I recall correctly I chose one for my book group in Ireland but it was not a popular choice.  Maybe her books are more for an American audience.  O Pioneers is one of her better known works and reflects her experiences living in Nebraska, her home growing up and her family base for many years.  She is possibly best known as the author of the Middle West.

to be continued
