Janet's thread

A weblog, mostly about knitting but other topics appear

A Painting To View February 19, 2018

6a00d83452615669e200e54f4c6e148834-115si   Virginia Wolff Knitting, a portrait done by her sister Vanessa Bell, 1912.  This painting is in The National Portrait Gallery in London.  I was recently in London visiting family and friends.  Number 1 on my list of things I wanted to do – if I was on my own – was to visit the National Portrait Gallery.  Well the visit with family and friends was completely taken up with wonderful activities which did not include the NPG.  Save that for next time.  There is so much to do in London!!!


Vanessa Bell May 30, 2016

NPG 5541; Vanessa Bell (nÈe Stephen) by Duncan Grant

by Duncan Grant, oil on canvas, circa 1916-1917

Portrait of Vanessa Bell, in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, London