Janet's thread

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Women’s History March 10, 2016

In special recognition of significant women in history, I want to nominate Gertrude Bell, explorer extraordinaire among many other achievements.    I have read a number of her books and am now reading a biography of her – Gertrude Bell, Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations by Georgina Howell.

BellK_218_Gertrude_Bell_in_Iraq_in_1909_age_41  Gertrude Bell, age 41  (image from Wikipedia)


A film about Gertrude Bell was released in 2015.  Titled Queen of the Desert and starring Nicole Kidman.  I look forward to viewing it.       QOTD_poster

p.s. Gertrude was friendly with Lawrence of Arabia. Almost 50 years ago I saw the film about T. E. Lawrence at the White Rhino Hotel in Nyeri Kenya.  My boy friend (not yet my husband) and I drove up to Nyeri from Nairobi (a 2 1/2 hour drive) to see the film.  A spontaneous trip after I had played in a mixed doubles tennis match with someone else.  What a lark.  The film was LONG.  The seats uncomfortable.  Peter O’Toole was memorable as Ross.  The drive back to Nairobi late in the evening was even longer.  The things one did when one was young and fancy free.