Janet's thread

A weblog, mostly about knitting but other topics appear

Bible Study at BFL November 20, 2014

Filed under: Ballard Seattle,Bible study,Knitters — Janet @ 4:24 pm

[picture of church]  Ballard First Lutheran Church

Since coming to Seattle I have been attending a Bible Study Group at Ballard First Lutheran Church.  Surprised?  No more surprised than I am.  It is a small group with a fluctuating membership.  It has proved to be very stimulating, intellectually challenging, and a good way of meeting people and feeling part of the community.

At the meeting yesterday my ears perked up when in the discussion of how we visualized God, the pastor (Pastor Laurie) pointed out that one vusualiztation could be of God as a KNITTER.  There are numerous references in the Bible to this effect.