Janet's thread

A weblog, mostly about knitting but other topics appear

Fibonacci Striped Scarf August 6, 2015

Filed under: Computers,Fibonacci,Knitting,Scarves,Science — Janet @ 1:57 pm

fibonacci 012 my latest scarf – not the Fibonacci sequence

Click below for the

Fibonacci Striped Scarf.

new scarf 010  These are previous scarves taken from the Media Library.  I can’t add the new scarf to that Library.

p.s.written earlier  I’m trying to upload a picture of my latest scarf – not a Fibonacci striped.  But I keep getting a message that there is no room to upload.  A computer glitch.  HELP.

Now I’ve done some deleting and have been able to upload the photo of the latest scarf as shown above.  Now I’m all smiles.