Janet's thread

A weblog, mostly about knitting but other topics appear

Street Cars/Trolley Cars February 1, 2017

One of my favorite programs on PBS is American Experience.  Last night it was about the building of the Boston Subway.  Fascinating.  This was my mode of transport in and out of Boston.  I travelled from Belmont to Harvard Square via street car and then descended to the subway.  The street cars have long since been replaced by buses.

Watching the program resulted in a discussion with my husband comparing his travel by trolley bus into the center of Belfast Northern Ireland.  Were we talking about the same thing?  Possibly but his trolley car had 2 levels v my street cars were single story.

In fact his system was unique.  It was the only trolley bus system ever to be built in Ireland.  It opened in 1938 and it gradually replaced the Belfast tramway network.

The Belfast system was the 2nd largest of all the now defunct trolleybus systems in the U.K.  It closed in 1968.

For once I think my husband and i were talking about the same thing.  Oh the memories of our youth.

old_trolley_bus_-_geograph-org-uk_-_351325  Trolley bus in Northern Ireland