Janet's thread

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More Genealogy November 5, 2017

Filed under: 9th Great Grandparents,Ancestors,Ancestry,Genealogy,Mayflower — Janet @ 5:55 pm


Please note on this list – Isaac Allerton and his wife Mary and their 3 children Bartholemew, Remember, and Mary.  Remember was 5 years old.  Eventually she became my 9th Great Grandmother

Also, Myles Standish, my 8th Great Grandfather.


My Ancestor Myles Standish March 1, 2017

mum38qar_medium  Yes this is Myles Standish of Mayflower fame.  He is my  8th  Great Grandfather.


Captain Myles Standish was an English military officer hired by the Pilgrims as military advisor for Plymouth Colony.  He was one of the passengers on the Mayflower.

Myles Standish was not a Pilgrim but it was in his capacity as a military man that he was in the Low Countries to help the Dutch in their war against Spain.  And it was in Leyden in Holland that he got to know the Pilgrims there.  It was through his acquaintance with the Pilgrim Pastor John Robinson that he came to be hired as their military captain to command and train their militia.  Thus Myles and his first wife Rose were among the passengers, the original settlers,  on the Mayflower.

After the Mayflower made landfall on the tip of Cape Cod in late October 1620, he led most of the exploratory missions looking for a place to settle.  Many of the settlers who arrived in the Mayflower were weakened and ill after their voyage across the Atlantic.  Sadly, Myles wife Rose was among those who did not survive those early months.  She died in late January 1621.

Myles remarried in 1623.  His 2nd wife, Barbara, arrived on the ship “Anne” in July 1623.  Myles and Barbara had 6 children, 4of whom survived infancy.  The most important of whom from my standpoint was their surviving son Josiah, who became my 7th Great Grandfather.