Janet's thread

A weblog, mostly about knitting but other topics appear

Another Jigsaw Puzzle Finished June 15, 2018

IMG_1973  A work in progress 1000 pieces Shakespeare’s Britain



IMG_2152  Completed puzzle – very enjoyable to do, the pieces were of excellent quality, however one needed super duper eyesight to read place names etc – I no longer have super duper eyesight





Happy Birthday to Larry McMurtry June 4, 2016

Filed under: Authors,Larry McMurtry,Literary Figures,Reading — Janet @ 12:04 am

Today is the 80th birthday of one of my favorite authors – Larry McMurtry

Larry McMurtry


Many Adventures May 8, 2011

Filed under: Literary Figures,Paintings,Photography,Postcards — Janet @ 2:53 am

We went off to town today and had many adventures, both together and independently.  Clothes shopping here and there, book shopping at Barnes & Noble where police were hovering around – not the best of experiences when one is an innocent book shopper, lunch at the Elephant & Castle – a nostalgic place for us for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it was the venue for James and Susan’s pre-wedding dinner.  After lunch we went our separate ways – Ian to be delayed at the bus stop by the noisy arrival of police to confront the people ahead of him in the queue.  And I went down to Pike Place Market.  Very very crowded – Saturday is not the best day for me to go there.  Just too many people.  It’s nice that it is busy but I prefer a more discreet market experience.  Tulips everywhere!   My trip home on the bus was via Fremont.  I hopped off the bus and was walking across the Fremont Bridge when the hooters sounded.  I scurried to get across and then watched with great interest as the drawbridge went up and several ships with tall masts sailed through underneath.  It was really lovely.  And it was Spring.  A bit of book and postcard buying in Fremont and then I walked to Fred Meyer.  Part of my walk was along the Burke Gilman Trail.  That was a mistake.  I was much happier walking along the ordinary sidewalk/pavement.  The BG Trail had too many whizzing cyclists zipping by unannounced.  It is supposed to be a trail for pedestrians/walkers and cyclists alike but I had the impression that the cyclists felt that they were the more important.  (This also happened the day I rode my bike along the trail – I felt more threatened by other cyclists than I ever did by cars on ordinary roads.)

As I approached Fred Meyer, the weather seemed to change a bit.  Sure enough, while I was in FM there was a heavy shower outside – I only discovered what I missed when I emerged.  Sunshine again but dampness in the air after the rain.  A short wait at the bus stop and then I was nearly home.  Winter – Spring -back to Winter all in one brief span of a few hours.

Now to show you the postcards I found in the course of my travels today:

This is possibly my favourite – Edna St. Vincent Millay, June 1914 – remember I found the biography of her when we were in Barnes & Noble in Scottsdale and I enjoyed reading it very much

  Mark Twain, 1909, another literary figure – we will be visiting Hartford Connecticut in a few weeks time and I hope we can visit his home there

  Benny Goodman, playing his clarinet

an image of a Burmese man, 1860’s

 The caption on this is Maes: La Songeuse   and the card is from Brussels     just a blank card on the reverse, no address or message or stamp      looks to me like a lace maker who  has fallen asleep    I bought it for my collection of  postcards with a textile related theme

from a search of the internet I found billyspostcards.com had the following for sale at $4.95

People collect postcards for different reasons.  I certainly do prefer cards with a bit of postal and geographic history but I’m happy enough with my blank card of the lace maker painting.

On another website I found that Nicholaes Maes was a Dutch painter in the 1600’s.  1634-1693.   He was a pupil of Rembrandt.  The date given for La Songeuse (the old woman dozing) is 1656.  There are other paintings with textile themes.  A woman spinning, a woman sewing and a lacemaker.

Today I saw another card with a nice picture of an unfamiliar large dog – would have been a nice addition to my collection of dog-related postcards.  But the vendor was charging too much for a card which was blank on the reverse.