Janet's thread

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National Record Day April 19, 2016

Filed under: Bop Street Records,Music,Vinyl Records — Janet @ 3:07 pm

Vinyl record that is.  Last Saturday was National Record Day – I duly visited my local vinyl record store – Bop Street Records.  I went early – on the way I saw that the record store across the street had an amazing queue stretching round the corner.  Wow I thought better   hurry.  But when I got to Bop Street there was hardly anyone there.  What was going on?  I subsequently learned that the record store across the street sold NEW records and this was the day for some new releases.  Bop Street sells USED records – and what a collection it has.  HUGE.  I was told that only the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian have larger collections.

I was so dazzled and swamped by the range of choices at Bop Street I had no idea what I wanted.  But I wanted to honor the day and I finally settled on a record by Merle Haggard who I knew had died recently.  And I also bought a CD  of Richard and Mimi Farina.  So some new choices to add to my eclectic collection.  Pleasant listening.