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Formidable Classics February 2, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Janet @ 3:12 pm

I’m stirred to read War and Peace for the 3rd time and Moby Dick for the 2nd time.

Cafe Book Bean

classic-novels-on-shelves2  I love Classic literature and adore many genres within the classics. Once I started reading them I was hooked, and have forever been changed as a reader. I have read many classic books and so I’ve developed  much in skill and maturity. As I broaden my scope, reading more and more amazing books from the greats, I find myself looking at a few that I keep putting off. The books that I find either a bit daunting, or time consuming, or just find myself hesitating on aimlessly. I need to address these books that challenge me from my shelf.

Here are a few Challenging Classic calling to me in anticipation:

War and Peace
This is the book of books to read for any person interested in classic literature. It is a well known challenge, and one I think I am up for. It’s a book that although I may find challenging or time consuming…

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Guest Month’s First post : The 21st Century Needs a Troubadour by Ken Lambert

Filed under: Uncategorized — Janet @ 3:07 pm